Friday, February 3, 2012

Doesnt Seem Fair

 Yesterday after a bad day at work (had to deal with a lot of mean people) I just wanted to go home and relax. As I pulled up to my house I noticed one of my neighbors walking over to my car. This neighbor of mine is a 20 year old girl who has a 1 year old and is 8 months pregnant with her 2nd baby. Last year when Ben and I first moved in she was 8 months pregnant with her first. She was living with her boyfriend and both of them did not have a job, and had no intention of looking for one.  So while I was going and turning in my resume to every available place that could be hiring, they were sitting on there butts watching tv. (I dont know how they afford rent at our townhouse complex). They once asked us to take them to walmart so they could get some food, being the good samaritans that we are, agreed. But then it turned into taking them to the bank, taking them to get fast food and so on. After one week Ben adn I avoided them like the plague! It was like a game we played. "lets sneek out to the car so they wont see us" Eventually they backed off and we hardly ever saw them. WEll anyway they had this baby girl last March and she was so cute. At the time I had just found out about my infertility and I was like "man this is not fair!"  About 3 months later her and her boyfriend broke up and 2 weeks later she had a new guy living with her. Then in the summer she spotted me getting out of my car  and ran over saying "Guess what, Im pregnant" My heart sank! It was not fair. She had just shacked up with her new boyfriend and probably got pregnant the first week! She then asked me if I could come watch her baby for just a few minutes while she went to go pay rent. I agreed and went into her house and I instantly started gagging because it smelt so bad! There was dog pee all over the house, diapers laying everywhere and dishes and dishes piled up. Now I am not a neat freak by all means and I let my house get a little messy. But this seemed like a toxic environment. So once again I thought "this is not fair"
So back to yesterday. I was coming home from work and the minute I got out of my car here comes my neighbor and her now almost one year old daughter. I was polite and said hello and she started talking to me about how she is so tired and that I have no idea what its like to have a baby! EXCUSE ME! Yeah I dont know what its like to have a baby, but you dont know what its like to actually be PREPARED to have one,  and to have to WAIT to get one, and spend Lots of MONEY to even come close to getting one. She then gave me the baby to hold and I was looking at this ratty looking baby who looked like she had not been changed out of that outfit in a week. Crusy food all over, her diaper was full and there was mounds of dirt in her little wrinkles on her neck. It looked like this baby had not been given a bath in weeks. It broke my heart! I wanted to take that little girl home with me, clean her up and just keep her away from this lifestyle! ITS NOT FAIR! Its not fair that this mom is not giving her new  baby up for adoption when there are so many deserving couples out there waiting for a baby and this girl can barely take care of one and now she is adding another. It makes me sick!
Girls are not giving up there babies now because the government gives them support as "single mothers" and they dont want to lose that safety net. So they end up getting  free health insurence, free food and probably free housing. But even getting all that free stuff, they still cant give there kids a freaking bath!  Its NOT FAIR

Thats all I have to say about that!


Unknown said...

Oh my goodness! Seriously! That makes me feel so sad for the little kid and the one on the way. Don't give up hope though! My sis-in-law couldn't get prego for three years and now she has a cute baby boy! I think it is all in the Lord's hands.

Sarah said...


Call CPS? I've been thinking about calling my neighbor because of the mean way she treats her little baby.