Friday, April 12, 2013

A Birthday Memory

I have had some pretty awesome birthdays in my past,
but one of my favorites to date was my 19th birthday in London.
I had awesome friends on my study abroad and they made my 19th birthday so special.
So everyone knows that me and coke are best friends. I crave a cold coke daily!
Nothing makes me more happy then a cold coke in my hand.
I also love cheesecake!
In London there was this store that had the best cheesecake EVER!
So the night before my birthday I brought my mattress over to my friends side of our
room so that we could have a sleepover.
Right as I was drifting off to dreamland my friends starting jumping on me yelling
It was 12 in the morning and they handed me a coke with a clue on it. They were
sending me on a scavenger hunt. Each coke that I found had a new clue.
It was so fun going around the whole center in the middle of the night finding cokes!
THey even made me go all the way to the professors side of the building right by there bedrooms
to get a coke.
The last clue led me to the kitchen where there was a cheesecake waiting for me.
My friends sang me happy birthday and we ate cheesecake in the wee hours of the morning.
The next day we went out to lunch to celebrate.
IT was such a simple birthday yet one of the best.
I will always treasure my coke scavenger hunt with my London girls by my side!!!:)

(Count how many times I used the word coke in this post!) LOL

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