Monday, April 25, 2011


            We had fun spending Easter with Jen and Jared and the Kids

                                                      Our little bunny                                  
The Twins...Jen and I sware that
Jared and Ben are the same person. We
always ask eachother "does (Jared or Ben) do this?"
Its always YES!!!!!! They even talk
the same. And they look the most alike!

                                              We are pretty similar too!

Beautiful Girl

Easter Wiped out JR. What a love bug!
This spring has been so pretty and is truly my first real spring and I am greatful that we are close to family and can spend fun holidays with the kids. The spirit of the holidays is so strong when there are littlekids! I will be very excited for the day when Ben and I can share these memories with our own kids. Hope everyone had a magical Easter!

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