Sunday, August 5, 2012

On Paper

I want to have this on "paper."

I have such a strong feeling that this baby is a boy!
I have felt little boy since the day I found out I was pregnant.
My mom knew that I was a girl from day one.
She wrote it in her journal and everything.
She had just found out she was pregnant and in her journnal
said she had such a strong feeling that I was a girl.
WHile she is writing in her journal she realized she was
writing in pink ink and she didnt even mean to grab that pen.
Most of her journal entrys were in blue and black.
This is taken right out of  her journal

"This baby is a girl, I just know it. I see lots
of little bows and braids in my future. Look at this, Im writing with a pink pen and I never write in anything but blue or black, could it be???? I think so. THINK PINK!"

Even at my anatamy scan the Dr couldnt tell I was a girl because
I was not cooperating. So she went her whole pregnancy without actual proof I was a girl.
I even saw a home video of my mom at the ultrasound where the Dr
told her they couldnt tell and she said,
"Its ok, I know its a little girl"

Last night I had a dream that the ultrasound showed a teenie weenie
and I was so excited. The dream was so realistic.
Everytime I feel kicks I tell Ben I feel HIM moving.
I cant wait until Thursday.
Now dont ge me wrong, if it is a little girl
I will be tickled pink.
I will be suprised because my feelings have been so strong about
a boy and I just cant picture a little girl yet.
But then I know that there will be lots of braids and bows in my
future as well!
Either way I'm getting the baby I always wanted!

Dear baby....if you are a little girl please dont be mad that
I refered to you as a boy the first 20 weeks you were in my womb.
I promise that the remaining 20 I will have it correct!:)
Unless you dont cooperate like your mommy did!
So please cooperate!
Love you! 

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